Thought for the day …..

Good Morning and Welcome to Saturday the 7th day of April, 2018.

The house is quiet once again except for the furnace running to heat the house during our coldest spring in thirty years.

The snow does seem to be slowly disappearing but not due to hot sunny days, that is for sure.

Most likely due in part to the wind.

The winds have been brutally cold.

Yesterday it was almost minus 20 degrees celsius with the windchill when I left work.

Thankfully I am a smart adult and was wearing my winter coat.

So many young and older folks were wearing spring jackets.

Likely just getting tired of wearing their winter ones.

I am starting to lose my patience with Mother Nature.

It is time for warmer weather, please.


Well onto something else, whining is not something that I like to do for long periods of time.

My daughter is bringing Mr. Alvin home this morning.

I promised my daughter a “pancake breakfast” when she arrives.

After writing my blog, I will slip into the shower before starting to cook the pancakes.

My dear old electric fry pan of over thirty years is starting to show signs of its’ age.

Part of the element is not heating up so of course, things do not cook evenly.

This morning I will use a smaller pan on top of the snow.

Hopefully that works better.

I am sad that my dear old electric fry pan is not working properly.

These days electric appliances and anything for that matter do not last any length of time.

I figure that I got at least six lifetimes from her than the ones made in recent times.

Unfortunately when appliances and such stop working over shorter periods of time not only do they cost to keep replacing BUT we are destroying our environment.

Just last night on the weather channel they were speaking about finding small microscopic bits of plastic in our drinking water.

They are already finding all sorts of plastic and garbage in all sorts of marine, bird and animal life.

They said within thirty years there will be more plastic in the oceans than marine life.

Is that not a scary thought.

That should drive people to smarten up.

I sure hope so.


Well that is food for thought.

We need to realize that we DO NOT NEED every gadget and gismo.

Less of this and that.

More about healthy relationships.


I hope that you all have a wonderful Saturday.

Special Hello to: my sister who makes me laugh and my brother who is working on our family history.  Thank you guys.

Always, Carol & Alvin


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