Thought for the day ……

Good Morning and Welcome to Monday the 27th day of March, 2017.

Another beautiful day on the way.

Perhaps not quite as warm as Saturday but definitely going in the right direction.

On our side of the street which faces north we still have about 2-3 ft. snowbanks.

On the south side of the street facing us, no snow.

Oh well in time.


Yesterday was a productive one.

I went out to clean up the trash in my neighbourhood.

After 2.5 hours and 2.5 bags plus a big cardboard box most of the area is clean.

There was a portion that will have to wait until this next weekend.

Several people stopped to thank me for picking up the trash and to ask questions.

One kind man upon request took my second filled bag and the cardboard box so that I would not have to carry it home.

Unbelievable the amount of garbage.

I can only imagine if I would have finished.

It was refreshing to have been taken notice.

Funny I have been doing this since 2009 and this is the first time so many people have stopped and said something.

Even a guy parked picking up people – asked me questions.

So it was a great educational day.


Mr. Alvin waited patiently until I got home to stay (had to stop and drop off a bag and pick up a new one) to go for his walk.


Well here it is time to go.

Gotta run.

Time for shoes and of course, they are lace-up.

Have an awesome Monday.


Special Hello: to my sister ….. sorry I missed our SKYPE visit last night.  Can we reschedule?

Always, Carol and Alvin

Thought for the day …..

Good Morning and Welcome to Saturday the 25th day of March, 2017.

It is gloomy out this morning and was difficult to get out of bed this morning.

Likely due in part to me falling asleep on the sofa early in the evening and then between Alvin and I waking up at odd hours throughout the night.

Oh well, such as life.

We are good …..

I was hoping that the sun would be shining.

Sunshine always energizes me.

Overcast makes me sleepy.

So it is the weekend.

Time to get some things done around the house like laundry again.

Seems like I just did laundry and here we are again.


It is also that time of year to start the neighbourhood garbage pickup.

Every night as of late on my walk home from the bus (because it is in the daylight) I see so much trash on the ground.

Honestly it does make me mad and disappointed.

Either today or tomorrow I will go and do some outdoor cleaning.

But it does bring me joy to have a clean neighbourhood.

I do wish that people would take notice and perhaps pick things up instead of dropping them on the ground.

Part of the garbage problem is the way people pack their recycling.

A good portion of the trash is paper and boxes.

For some reason people tend to think tossing paper and small boxes on top of each other or in a open container is a good thing.

NOT so much.


We have wind here.


Okay I am done my rant.

Sorry for this.

Time to get this show on the road.


I need a shower.

Warm me up and wake me up.


Happy Saturday.

Have fun today.

Alvin and I will get out for a walk at some point and that is always fun.


Special Hello to:  all my fellow bloggers.

Always, Carol and Alvin


Thought for the day …..

Good Morning and Welcome to Tuesday the 27th day of September, 2016.

Yesterday was this amazing fall/autumn day.

Sun shone, not too hot and no wind.

Another enjoyable walk with me Alvin.

Tonight we are hosting my Son-in-law’s birthday supper.

So last night we, I mean I iced his birthday cake.

Boiled the eggs and potatoes for a potato salad.

Completed other tasks to prepare for tonight.

I am able to leave work one hour early so that will give me the extra time to get things done after arriving home.

Elton is spending the day with Alvin.

They should be here soon.

The wind is blowing this morning – too good to last.

We seem to have a lot of wind.

Not a good thing for all of those people who placed their small cardboard boxes loosely out for pickup.

I will never understand why people do not think ahead.

So later today and tomorrow as some of us are out and about we will be picking up other’s garbage that they did not secure.

I guess this will always be a pet peeve of mine.

Perhaps I need to change the script in my head.

Think that they will always secure the garbage and our neighbour is always clean.

There we go.

Well it is almost time to leave – the kids are picking me up as they are dropping Sir Elton off to spend the day with Alvin.

So I get to ride in a car to work this morning.

YAY for me.

Somedays people are annoying on the bus so it is nice to have a ride.

Maybe I am annoying as well, who knows.

Happy Tuesday.

Looking forward to chocolate cake tonight with my family.

Have a wonderful day.

Special Hello to: all those folks celebrating something today.

Always, Carol and Alvin

Thought for the day …..

Good Morning and Welcome to Monday the 4th day of April, 2016.

WOW, we had a crazy beautiful weekend here in Edmonton.

Downside it is so dry.

We are hoping for some spring rain showers.

I have started to get back into my poetry and would like to share another one from the past.

Thank you for reading it has inspired me to write more.

I love poems because they are a condensed story.

To the point.

It is always so important to do something you love and I do love to write poetry.

I wrote my first poem in grade one and never stopped.

Along the way some were lost but I treasure the ones that I managed to keep.

I do have one that I wrote for my grandparents back at age 8, I believe and I still have it.


My grandmother kept this small treasure of my childhood, and I am so grateful.

Well can you believe it almost time to leave for work.

I am quite certain that I was just there ….. oh well, gotta work.



I had a dream late last night,

Of sparkling white sandy beaches,

Palm trees swaying in a sweet scented breeze,

Of clear blue skies and water, clear blue,

Of monkeys, elephants and parrots, too.

When I awoke and looked all around,

It was a dream, so I had found.

The picture is somewhat sadly different.

My sandy beaches are cluttered with garbage.

The palm trees have been removed, replaced with malls.

The breeze smells bitter — terribly so,

The monkeys, elephants where did they go?

We have come too far, too fast,

The signs have been there,

But we did not see, due to our hungry greed

From horse drawn sleighs to gas powered cars,

From tin and glass to styrofoam and plastic jars,

From all that technology we still didn’t learn

That we’re literally burning our planet — our Earth.

The time has come to join together,

Mothers, Fathers, Sons and Daughters,

If we learn to reduce, recycle and reuse

We can save our planet —

The gem in our universe.  Our Earth!

Written for my daughter’s school play at W.H. Ford School.

She was just ten years old back then.

By Carol Lewis on November 28th, 1990

This is so bizarre that I wrote this twenty- six years ago for my daughter’s school play.  It is even more prevalent today.


Special Hello to: my sister who is travelling to Hawaii today …… Aloha ……

Always, Carol and Alvin

Thought for the day ……

Good Morning and Welcome to Friday the 7th day of August, 2015.

Wow, one glorious week of August ending and plus three to go.

The sun is shining here in Edmonton.

It was dark when I got out of bed this morning with the pups.

Elton, Penny and Mr. Alvin.

We had a great Thursday evening ….

Elton and Penny were so excited to go for a walk and Mr. Alvin hid under the table.

So I took Elton and Penny for a walk …. our regular route.

It was such a glorious walk.

As we left the house no noise then suddenly when we were out of view of the window I hear this forlorn howl (sounded like a wolf) and I thought was that Alvin.

Yup, that was Alvin……

Poor little guy.

Part of me wanted to go back and fetch him but the other part said two is enough ….. three is hard to wrangle.

Especially when they start “pooping.”

So I felt like a rotten Momma ……

By the time we got home he was “happy” to see us.

It was so nice out that I mowed our grass, front and back, both neighbours on either side of me, watered flowers and plants, for all of us and did some weeding.

By the time I was done it was almost 9:30 …..

Mr. Alvin had had some exercise by running and jumping on the deck.

His second favourite thing to do other than eating.

He is so cute.

He runs as fast as he can …. jumps from the bottom to the top step (three) on the upper deck….does this little hop and then does it all over again.

He always makes me laugh when I watch him.

Then he is tuckered out.

After all of that we came into the house – I made myself a cup of tea and watched a show that I had previously recorded.

Then to bed.

No drama.

Usually there is drama.

Everyone settled in and I read for a few minutes before going to sleep.

YAY …. Grandma ……

The sky is beginning to cloud over.

I have errands to run so will have to leave the pups alone but they will be just fine.

On my way there is a walkway that is always filled with garbage …. I cannot believe people.

Just throwing away empty drink containers ….. fast food bags ….. and more.

So I will grab my little disposable gloves and a garbage bag and clean it up on my way through to my shopping places.

Seems like I am always picking up garbage.

Sure wished people would think before tossing.

Oh well ….. it will be some extra exercise for me which I need.

Maybe it will help with my “spare tire” …….

Certainly cannot hurt.

Well I guess Grandma better get this show on the road.

Slept a bit later than planned but guess I needed it.

Have an awesome Friday.

Play safe and be happy.

Special Hello to: my daughter and sister who are two of my most favourite women ….. they are kind and good.

Always, Carol and Alvin

Thought for the day……

Good Morning and Welcome to Friday the 19th day of June, 2015.

It is a glorious morning here in Edmonton.

The sun is shining, the wind is blowing and the humming of the vehicles passing by on the highway a few blocks away.

All music to my ears.

I am off today from the office ….. took a day of vacation.

Tomorrow morning I am hosting a “Steeped Tea Party” and just wanted to be in “perfection” readiness.

So excited as I have not hosted anything for a long time.

It is always nice to do some baking, invite family and friends over to try something new or relish something old.

Happy Day.

In a little while my daughter will arrive.

She took their car in to the tire shop to have the tires changed and will come to my house after for a visit.

YAY for me and Alvin.

Alvin loves when his sister comes to visit.

Last night was one of those evenings when Alvin and I go for a walk that we stop and visit with neighbours along the way.

So great to have so many friends.

I think it is always important to know your neighbours.

It is good for everyone.

I have the best neighbours and I know so many of them.

Sure helps having the most social dog on the planet.

Mr. Alvin …… he likes to check things out.

Well time to go and get this day rolling ….

Finish writing up my “TO DO LIST” so that I do not miss anything….

No surprises from that aspect.

I like to be prepared.

Almost time to plug in the coffee …….

We hope that you all have an amazing Friday.

Maybe today will be the day that you will go for a walk and meet one of your neighbours that you do not know.

Maybe today you could take a batch of cookies or muffins to that elderly couple across the street.

Maybe today when you do go outside for a walk and see some trash blowing along … you could pick it up and place it into the garbage.

Maybe today is the day that you take some time for yourself and meditate ….. to grow stronger.

Maybe today is the day …. that your dreams will come true.

I hope all the best for you today, tomorrow and always.

Special Hello to: my sister ……. Hi gorgeous ….. we have to SKYPE….

Always, Carol and Alvin

Thought for the day ……

Good Morning and Welcome to Thursday the 23rd day of April, 2015.

Yikes, bad me ….. I forgot in my blog yesterday to mention “Earth Day.”

I think it is an important day and that we should all be doing our upmost best to look after this planet, we call home.

We truly live in an incredible environment when you really think about it.

Sometimes makes me think that someone created this just for us.

It is absolute perfection.

It depends on your beliefs whether scientific or religious.

That is about the creation aspect.

But …..

How important is it to show our appreciation to our planet by being great caretakers!

There are so many ways each of us can participate.

One simple way is to make sure all of your garbage goes into a garbage can …. not thrown to the side on the ground.

Another is to cut down on consumer spending …. meaning do not buy things unless you absolutely need them.

Recycle….. please

There are so many ways.

Let us continue to celebrate “Earth Day” …..

We only have one and that is all.

So please help me help our Earth be here for generations and generations to come.

Well time to go to work.

I hope that you all have a great day.

Remember one Earth …. our Earth …..

Special Hello to: my daughter, I miss you honey.

Always, Carol and Alvin

Thought for the day……

Good Morning and Welcome to Sunday the 17th day of August, 2014.

Another hot muggy summer day here in Edmonton.

Alvin and I went for a walk a bit ago while it was still somewhat cool.

There is still a cool breeze so that helps especially when you are wearing a “fur coat.”

I had a glorious weekend …… still coming off the afterglow of Friday.

Having a barbecue at work, off early, shopping at the mall and winning movie passes.


I am so grateful for every single thing that I have ….. from the tip of my toes to the roof of my house.

It is mine and I am proud and grateful and happy.

Sipping on a hot cup of perked coffee and I am truly on top of the world.

Next a nice relaxing shower – get ready – working at the store.

I have a short shift today – Noon till 4:30.

I am okay with that …… means I will get home earlier.

So that will be nice.

I always look forward to my Sundays at the store …..

I work with the best people on the planet alongside my family and friends, of course.

This is a happy, grateful, thankful, positive, smily, hopeful day ….

It is a great day.

So polish off that SMILE ….. get out there and enjoy the moment.

Take your SMILE and present it to your family, friends, strangers ….. just get it out there.

Be kind …… do something nice for someone.

It can be anything really ….. from opening the door to mowing a elderly neighbour’s lawn to taking a friend who is feeling low out for lunch or coffee.

Just do something nice ….. also you could go into your neighbourhood and pick up the trash.

That is a big thing for me…… seems like so many people like to leave things behind ….. I guess to show that they were there but still really people ……

I picked up several items on my walk this morning with Alvin ….. hands full with keys, poop bags and dog on leash.

So you can do it.

Take care and see you tomorrow……

Special Hello to: MOTHER NATURE …… THANK YOU.

Always, Carol and Alvin

Thought for the day…..

Good Morning and Welcome to Saturday the 31st day of May, 2014.

Well the day is finally here ….

The sun is shining and the sky is that perfect beautiful blue …. just right for …..

This afternoon from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. – is our neighbourhood cleanup.

I have made plans for this day, dreamed about, agonized over, and procrastinated doing some things but in the end I am READY.

The bags, gloves and pickers and water have been purchased.

My daughter helped me with the posters.

One of my friends gave me some coloured paper.

Another friend is lending me her boy’s wagon.

Me and Alvin put up over 20 posters around the neighbourhood.

People have called and volunteered.

I only had to twist a few arms.

I am so excited to meet some new people.

All these volunteers want to have a clean neighbourhood and are not shy about helping.

My biggest goal in all of this was to make people aware.

It would appear that  people do not think when they toss that drink cup or the candy wrapper on the ground.

They just want to get rid of it.

I know part of the answer is having more garbage cans.

But really just carry the cup home …..

Sometimes they are lucky that people like me, and the volunteers, and others come behind them and pick up their trash.

Other places just get bogged down with trash.

Municipalities do not have the means (our tax dollars) to hire people to be out cleaning 24/7.

Not only is it the beauty of the neighbourhood but all this crap laying around brings unwanted “little critters” and is not good for our pets.

Sometimes our dogs and cats find things and eat them before we can get to them.

I just want people to be more responsible.

Okay, I guess I have said my piece ….. how can you tell I am just a “little” passionate about this …..

After five years of being the rep for our City’s volunteer group for this area and spending countless hours picking up a vast array of trash around my neighbourhood, I guess I can be.

I have to make this short so that I can go and get everything together, have breakfast and do some laundry before I head out.  AND COFFEE.

Please remember wherever you live ….. pick up after yourself.

It would be so nice to be able to go for a walk and not see a drink cup or styrofoam block on the ground.

Thank you for listening to my rants and rants.

Have a great Saturday.

Special Hello to: YOU

Always, Carol and Alvin


P.S. I do not know how I forgot but there was another very important person who played a key role in this effort and that is my friend “G” …. she laminated every poster so that if it rained they would not be damaged.

Thanks to her the signs are looking good….. 

I am so grateful for all my friends and my daughter who helped me pull this clean-up date together.


Thought for the day…..

Good Morning and Welcome to Tuesday the 27th day of May, 2014.

Wow, four glorious days left in May, 2014.

It has been raining here off and on over the past couple of days.

We surely needed the moisture and the smell of rain is glorious.

I am very grateful for the much needed moisture.

Our grass most especially in the back yard is so nice and green.

……………………..     ………………………….

Well this morning has me thinking about the neighbourhood cleanup that I am organizing for this coming Saturday.

My mind is running amuck with things to do and hoping that I have everything in order.

There is a good group and some new faces coming out for the event.

I am drawing the map of the cleanup area this evening so I can assign areas.

At least that way nothing gets missed and I know where everyone is located.

The new faces: these great volunteers are pretty much all new to this area, and isn’t that wonderful that they are the first to volunteer, just as I was when I moved to this neighbourhood.

So exciting ….. meet new people and have the area cleaned …… perfect combination.

My goal in all of this was to make people aware and hopefully we will get noticed on Saturday and bring attention to the garbage that litters our streets and parks.

This is something for everyone to take note of ……

I want people to take pride in their neighbourhoods and if we all help out what a gorgeous planet we will have …..

I keep thinking one drink can, one coffee cup, one cigarette package at a time ……

Maybe you can go out and organize a neighbourhood cleanup in your area.

It is a great way to meet new people and get exercise and keep your “hood” clean.

Even if you are not in an organized cleanup ….. always carry a small bag with you and pick up those unwanted items.

Better yet do not throw anything on the ground …. that is what garbage cans are made for ……

Special Hello to: all those people out there who take the time to make this planet a better place for us, for our pets, for all the flora and fauna.

Always, Carol and Alvin


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