Thought for the day…

Good Morning and Welcome to Friday, the 12th day of July 2013.

As of late I have been reading about work and life philosophies.

Well actually, I have been doing this for several years now.

It seems to me that …..

The underlying theme for each one is much the same.


It basically boils down to this:

Stay positive and live the best you can in each moment.

Whatever you wish or dream for …. keep focused on  that …. not the journey …. just the final result.

Do whatever you can to realize the wish or dream …. take action.

So stay positive, dream lots and keep in your mind’s eye that goal or end result.

Doesn’t matter what you want …. nothing is too big or too small for this to work.

There is no time line.

Some things come to fruition sooner than later.

But keep the faith.

That’s your job …..

At the end of it all ….. FAITH is the key.

I don’t mean faith necessarily in a religious way but faith in yourself and in the Universe.

Trust perhaps is a better word here.

Trust your own intuition and “gut” feelings.

Well for now my means to an end if going to work.

One day I will realize my dreams.

I will be a published writer and be on the 4th hour of the  Today Show with Kathie Lee and Hoda.

Have a great day.

Special Hello to: all those dreams ….. keep on dreaming.

Always, Carol and Alvin

Thought for the day…..

Good Morning and Welcome to Wednesday, February 20, 2013.

How are you this morning?

I am feeling great.

I hope that you are as well ….. just remember most of how we feel is up to what you are thinking ….. brainpower…..


Last night after I finished up with supper, walking with Alvin and some chores … I settled down to watch some television.

I record (what is the proper term??) several of the daytime talk/news shows like:  4th Hour of the Today Show with Kathie Lee & Hoda; Katie; Live with Kelly & Michael; Jeff Probst Show and a few more.

With a limited amount of time to watch television I fast forward to the actual shows ….. and I also record some primetime shows, as well.

This past week the Today Show with the girls was recorded from sunny California …. what a gift.

It was even nice to see sweaters and jackets come on some of the audience at times.

Also on Live they are in Florida and Kelly wore gloves and a jacket.

So nice to see other parts of the U.S. other than the ones that have snow like us.

Thank you guys.

I often get ideas and always a laugh from these shows ……

Well I am running a bit behind the clock this morning …… so have to sign off.

I hope that you enjoy some television.

It is always good to see what the rest of the world is doing and not just on the news.

Because it is the daytime shows that bring us “good news” …… usually.

Have a wonderful day.

Special Hello:  to all those Kathie Lee and Hoda fans.


Always, Carol and Alvin

Thought for the day…..

Good Morning and welcome to Wednesday, June 6th, 2012.

I have been dreaming for the past several nights.

The feelings that I have from the dreams have all been positive.

I do remember that I met someone (so there is definitely hope yet).

I remember travelling and writing.

I only remember little things nothing really specific other than a guy, being in a foreign place (not sure where) and writing.

I have been dreaming for the past couple of years of being on the fourth hour of the Today Show with Kathie Lee and Hoda.

It is funny because several years even before they were part of the morning line-up, I had purchased a charm.

You know the ones that clip together and make I think they were called “Italian bracelets” ….. anyway …

I found in a little store in the Cornwall Centre back in Regina ….. this charm that said “TODAY” like the show….

So I guess that was a sign ….. of things to come.

So I will keep dreaming …. I hope that you do, too.

Our life is only as great and amazing as we dream it to be.

That is how I believe it to be.

So have a grand day.

Go out there and dream ….. remember to DREAM BIG.

What is your “Today Show Dream” ?

Special Hello: to all those dreamers …..


Always, Carol and Alvin

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