Second Half of the YEAR

Good Morning and Welcome to a raining Saturday morning here in Edmonton.

Just a couple of minutes ago Alvin and I were standing outside on the deck in the rain.

It was lightly raining and actually it was kind of nice.

Refreshing and calming.

Now since we came upstairs to really get this day going – it has started to really come down.

So luckily we are in the house and not soaked.

To the east I could see clear sky and now it is grey.

Perhaps this is going to be a raining kind of day.

That is the day that makes me feel lazy.

At least at the start.

I am so grateful that last night – Alvin and I were outside doing yard work.

I mowed the grass, pulled weeds, swept out the garage and some other miscellaneous tasks.

Well this will be a great day to do laundry, some cleaning and some writing.

Yes, writing.

I have finally started the first book.

I believe that I may have mentioned that fact.

If we continue to talk about something it helps us to continue to bring it to fruition.

I have the outline in my head of the first chapter and will write that this weekend.

Starting today.

Perfect time when it is raining to do things in the house.


How are you doing today?

Is it raining where you are?

Do you have something that you have been wanting to get done for a long time?

No worries, procrastination seems to be a human condition.

We all procrastinate from time to time.

For a multitude of different reasons.

Sometimes we are fearful.

Fearful that we don’t know enough to do the task.

Fearful that we are not good enough.

Fearful that it won’t be great.

Fear often times stops from doing so many things.

Why is that?

We see some people who appear to be “floating” through life.

They have an idea let’s say for a book.

Then the book becomes a bestseller, it is well written and they make lots of money and become famous.

I would say that no one floats or has it easy.

Not really.

Even though there is the appearance that things have come easy for them – that is likely not the truth.

Looking from the outside – can give a false view of the actual story.

Things may not be as they seem.

We have to stop making judgments without knowing the whole story.

I make judgments, we all do.


You know that even those folks that are born with the “silver spoon in their mouth” do not necessarily have it really easy.

Having it easy can also mean different things to different people, as well.

All food for thought.

We throughout our lives all put things off.

Could be a time factor.

Maybe you are a single mother with children.

There are not enough hours in the day.

Not enough hours to work, keep the house and look after the children.

Not enough hours to do what needs to be done much less do something for yourself.


But I am here to say that we are wrong.

There is time if we make time.

We just have to do things.

Let go of the fear.

I am not saying that it is easy.

But we must.

Do things when you have the opportunity.

When you get an idea to do something that makes you happy – go for it.

Not saying that it will be easy or that things happen overnight.

But at least starting and working on it everyday or as often as possible …. will bring it to see the light of day.


So whether you want to make jewelry, write a book, start your own business or whatever your dreams or ideas may be …. just go for it.

Life is so much better when we do.


I hope that maybe this post will help inspire someone out there or give someone out there the thought that anything is possible.

There is hope.

You can do whatever you dream of doing ….. all you have to do is start.

Give up the fear.

Write down your ideas.


Do the work.

It will happen.

Not likely overnight but with time and work, it will come to be.


Well I know that my partially stripped bed is not going to get done unless I get back into the bedroom and do it.

So I am going to get the bed made, get dressed, start the laundry, make some coffee and have breakfast.

Do some cleaning and then this afternoon I am going to write.

Also it may be a good idea to set aside some time to do whatever it is you have an idea for …. put it on your calendar.

By writing things down …. it helps.

Make a list of your ideas and as they are completed, cross them off the list.

Together we will forge ahead and make our dreams come true.

We can do it.

I know that in my heart.


Okay, time to do.

Alvin is beginning to get restless.

He knows what needs to be done.

Often times before I do.


Be kind and respectful of yourself and of all others.

I/We shall remain,

As Always, Carol & her Alvin.

This KISS, this KISS (please stop, Mom you are embarrassing me!!)

Old photo from fall of 2010.

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